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Working with Other Organizations

theSOFTtribe has identified competent and experienced partners to support the program delivery. These partners will support objective of empowering young people to find and/or create fulfilling employment, mainly targeted towards young women, displaced youth, and young people with disabilities. This will be achieved using technology to drive impact and scale by providing digital, remotely accessible education and skills training.

theSOFTtribe partners include:

Foundation for Health Education Development Growth and Enterprise (HEDGE Ghana)

A Ghanaian owned and managed organization working in the agriculture and health sectors at the policy development and implementation levels to impact equitable community centered and driven development. The key strength of the organization is the multidisciplinary skills base of staff, both technical and administrative. It has a policy of developing the next generation of social development professionals through training of university students and graduates. In the 17 years of operation, clients and partners have included government entities, academia, private sector organizations, local government authorities, communities, and development partners.

Knox Consulting

Sheila Assibey-Yeboah is the Managing Partner of Knox Consulting Ltd, an experienced Agribusiness professional with over fifteen years focusing on Inclusive Agriculture, Capacity Strengthening, Market Systems Development, Sector Transformation, and Food and Nutrition Security. She is a multi-stakeholder process specialist with experience in facilitating complex groups and creating innovative platforms for knowledge sharing. She has led the implementation of multiple projects in several value chains in West Africa aimed at building the capacity of youth in agriculture and agriculture related industries.

University of Ghana Business School (UGBS)

UGBS is the premier Business school in Ghana and has been at the forefront of providing business and entrepreneurship education in Ghana over several decades. They have trained many of Ghana’s outstanding business leaders and continue to train the future generation.

Industry Expert

Ian Kabiru has extensive corporate experience in East and West Africa working for Unilever, over a 12-year period in a senior management role, across its Foods and Fabric care divisions. Key initiatives, of note, with Unilever Ghana Foods, were programs for substituting imported raw materials with local farmers inputs and development of the Unilever West Africa Marketing Academy.


AgriConnect Innovation and Difference

AgriConnect promises: 

  • That the technology deployed and the capacity built through the supplemental course content related to value chain development, digital literacy and entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector will drive the impact, scale and interest of youth, women, and differently-abled persons in the agriculture sector, and importantly bridge the digital divide. 

  • To address the urgent need to reduce the extent of labour under-utilisation among youth. 

  • To place focus on education and training to enable youth in agriculture to benefit from new and emerging opportunities in agriculture. The knowledge products that are being designed and disseminated through the devices will be innovative, culturally relevant, and fully aligned with the needs of the labour market and importantly capture the interest and imagination of youth in Ghana. 

  • That the activities and outputs of the Programme will in the near future support the modernization of the agriculture sector by boosting productivity and supporting the development of agribusiness, thereby creating the linkages between farms and plots and other economic activities such as manufacturing and agro-processing. 

  • To be innovative in its approach as the Programme is designed to bring scale and impact by allowing youth, women and differently-abled persons to align their educational qualifications in agribusiness, digital skills and value chain development with dignified and meaningful jobs that will allow them to maximise the potential of their entrepreneurial spirits towards improved and sustainable livelihoods.